And back to the subject of sanctification, God just keeps bringing Romans 7 in front of me. I'm reading a book entitled "The Complete Green Letters" by Miles J. Stanford. It was a gift from a cousin, and I'm thoroughly enjoying and highly recommend it. The author makes the point that we so easily move from being fellowship centered to service centered Christians. When that happens, doing, instead of being, takes over in the life. "In this reversal of God's order for us, the heart seeks satisfaction and a sense of acceptance through production (law) instead of reception (grace). Thus, instead of life bringing forth service, service becomes the life. Thus as long as the service goes well, the servant is happy and feels accepted. We are to be sons, not servants. 'Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son....'" (Galatians 4:7)
As we continue down this avenue, self appears more active and malignant. "What the condition-centered believer does not realize is that God Himself is causing this shattering revelation of self. He takes us into situations and relationships that finally cause us to face up to the fact of our failure as Christians - our nothingness, our total unacceptablity in ourselves. Not until we understand that in our flesh there 'dwelleth no good thing' (Rom. 7:18) can we rest in our position of complete acceptance in the Lord Jesus, just as we are. To abide in Christ and to consent to be loved while unworthy, is the believer's positional privilege and responsibility. Love functions according to its nature, not according to the quality of its object.
"As devastating as this Romans 7 trek is, it is our Father's preparation of us in order that we may shift our reliance and faith from our condition in ourselves, to our position in Christ.....'not I, but Christ....'" (Galatians 2:20)
That sheds a whole new light on Romans 7, and gives me hope that I can move on to Romans 8. I am certainly coming to the realization that in my flesh dwells no good thing!! There have been a number of circumstances and people in the past decade that God has brought into my life, and they have served to help me see much ugliness in my heart. Now I see they were for just that purpose. I've been thinking that lately, but it always helps me to see my thoughts confirmed by people much wiser in God's Word than I am.
Now to put past failures behind me and set my eyes on the Author and Finisher of my faith.
"To set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace!!!" (8:6) I choose life and peace!
Use Your Body in the Fight for Joy
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